John Wall is a nature and wildlife photographer living in San Francisco's Golden Gate Heights neighborhood.

#1: The San Francisco Wallflower is an endangered species, due mainly to an obvious loss of habitat. One of its last remaining haunts is tiny-but-excellent Grandview Park. © John Wall

#2: I loved this dog's posture and demeanor, especially that left rear paw sticking out, as he occupied this warm and sunny stoop one morning. No barking, no jumping up to say hello. Just casual and easygoing. © John Wall

#3: I often see this rose bush escaping the bounds of its enclosure. As a nature-lover in the city, I can relate. I also liked the religious imagery of the Rose on a Cross. © John Wall

#4: There are lots of steep, narrow streets in my neighborhood, and the steepest are actually terraced and separated by concrete walls. These are part of the local viewscape and have to be defended against encroachment of graffiti. Someone has even planted calla lilies along this one. I shot this scene when it was in shadow in the morning, then again in the afternoon when it was in the sun. Maybe because we don't take the sun for granted around here, I was drawn more to this brightly lit scene. © John Wall
It's good to know that all these great photographers live in the same area as I do. It's refreshing to view what others see but with a different perspective. Besides...all "John's" have a great eye for photography and John Wall is just another one :)
I grew up in Golden Gate Heights. When I was a little girl my friend and I picked some flowers growing next to one of the walls. We didn't realize someone had planted them until a lady came out of her house and explained, nicely, I think when she figured out we weren't malicious.
Thanks for bringing that memory back.
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